Souvik’s on the run!

On Sunday I took some time out of my busy life of leisure to cheer Souvik who was running a local 10 km race. Souvik’s been training for 10 km, and completes it regularly on the treadmill, though no one in his office believed that he could. Two of his colleagues agreed to run too, and some more came along to cheer. I was armed with my camera, doing my job, as usual.

Soggy, foggy morning was ideal for running, and the dull day was brightened up by some 100-odd people, many running the 10k, and a handful attempting 21k. We had a jolly time egging them on, following on our bicycles and enjoying the view.

Supporting gear

And they're off!

Go Vietnamobile!

Cheerleaders in traditional Vietnamese stilettoes

Happy to finish!

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